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Bay of Plenty region
Water Quantity
East Coast
This water management area (WMA) has a low population density with small isolated communities and a high deprivation index. Many of the river catchments are steep and short, and at risk of severe erosion during intense rainfall resulting in increased sedimentation.
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Gisborne region
Air Quality
The Gisborne region is located on the East Coast of New Zealand. Gisborne City itself is coastal and receives fine ocean spray across the city during onshore (SW) wind conditions. The prevailing wind direction is nor-westerly. During winter, the majority of airborne pollutants come from the northerl...
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Gisborne region
Water Quantity
Gisborne Airport Met Station
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Gisborne region
Air Quality
Gisborne Boys' High School
The monitoring site has been located on the grounds of Gisborne Boys' High School since 2004 and the data is telemetered. This site gives a good representation of PM10 and PM2.5 levels in relation to residential areas within Gisborne City. This hardware was upgraded to optical methodology (T640x) in...
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Gisborne region
Water Quantity
Gisborne East Coast Surface Water
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Gisborne region
Located on the East Coast of the North Island, Gisborne region covers 8386 square kilometres. Gisborne is known as the city of rivers. The Taruheru and Waimata Rivers join to form the 1200 metre Turanganui River, the shortest river in the country.
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Gisborne region
Water Quantity
Greater Waipaoa Surface Water
The Waipaoa catchment incorporates 12 major sub-catchment areas, with a combined land area of 2,205km2. The Waipaoa River, the largest river in the Gisborne Region has mean annual flows of between 19,000 and 70,000m3 with flow monitoring occurring at the Kanakanaia Bridge. The catchment is extensive...
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Gisborne region
River Quality
The Hamanatua Stream is located at Okitu, Wainui Beach. The total catchment area is 9km2 and more than two thirds of this area is within the Te Rimu catchment.
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Gisborne region
River Quality
Hangaroa River
Hangaroa River at Doneraille Park
GDC sample for recreational waters weekly during summer between 1 Dec and mid Feb. Site is located in the Gisborne Region but drains into the Hawkes Bay Region, eventually draining into the Wairoa River. Hawkes Bay Regional Council monitor scientific water quality parameters and hydrology data. Fo...
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Bay of Plenty region
Water Quantity
Haparapara at Haparapara
The Haparapara rain gauge is situated inland from Te Kaha in the Raukumara Ranges, at an elevation of 1040 metres above sea level. This is a an important remote raingauge for the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Gisborne District Council, and the Met Service as it is one of the only telemetered raing...
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Gisborne region
River Quality
The Kopuawhakapata Stream is an urban stream that has the Gisborne city suburb of Kaiti as its catchment. It discharges into the inner harbour basin after receiving stormwater from residential areas and part of the Eastland Port.
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Bay of Plenty region
Lake Rotoiti
Lake Rotoiti is the third-largest Rotorua Te Arawa lake and occupies part of the Haroharo Caldera. The lake deepens from west to east, changing from an average of 10m deep to a maximum of 125m northeast of Gisborne Point. The 123.7sq km catchment is mainly covered in indigenous vegetation (36.4 perc...