
Thank you regional and unitary council monitoring teams

Today's a day of international recognition for water monitoring.

It's a timely opportunity for the LAWA project to say a big thank you to all regional and unitary council staff who regularly get out and sample waterways. 

The data that councils collect is freely available on the LAWA website. It's there to help inform us all about the state of and changes in the environment.

That's why we're looking forward to the annual refresh of the river, lake, groundwater, and estuary data on the LAWA website this World Rivers Day (Sunday the 22nd of September).

From Sunday morning, you'll be able to explore updated state of the environment monitoring results for all the freshwater sites in your catchment, as well as freshly generated trends.

LAWA project scientists will be sharing national level analyses, and shining the spotlight on aspects of monitoring and reporting to help you gain more insights from the data.

Council staff monitoring the environment
Regional council staff monitoring the environment