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Wellington Region

Tauherenikau at Bull Mound

The Tauherenikau River flows from the Tararua Forest Park and bypasses the town of Featherston before discharging into the northern end of Lake Wairarapa.

Rainfall Data
Scientific data for this rainfall site
  • Rainfall so far this month
    This month:
    Rain last month
    Last month:
    Percentage of monthly median rainfall
    Very wetOver 200%
    Moderately wet>110% to 200%
    Near normal>90% to 110%
    Moderately dry>50% to 90%
    Very dry0% to 50%
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    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 12 months

    Key figures

    {{stat.Name}} {{stat.Value}} {{stat.Units}}

    Notable measurements

    Wettest Month/Year Rainfall
    Wettest day November 1994 300.5
    Driest Month/Year Rainfall
    Driest 3 month total January 1981 343