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Ruamāhanga River at Double Bridges

The Ruamāhanga River at Double Bridges is located north of Masterton just downstream of the road and rail bridges on Opaki Kaiparoro Road. The site itself is located in Mel Parkinson Reserve off Bluff Rangitumau Road and is popular for swimming and picnicking.

This site is monitored as a part of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Recreational Water Quality Programme, which is specifically designed to inform the public about the suitability of various sites across the region for swimming and other recreational activities.

The safety of water for swimming is determined by measuring ‘faecal indicator bacteria’ (E. coli) which indicates the likely levels of pathogens in the water. Monitoring is conducted on a weekly basis over the summer months (December to March).

It is generally safe to swim at this site. The Ruamāhanga River catchment upstream of this site is dominated by native forest within the Tararua Forest Park and as such has good water quality for swimming even during wet weather.

For the latest water quality information, please go to the Greater Wellington Regional Council website, or check out the latest recreational water quality reports.

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