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Hutt River at Taita Rock

The Hutt River at Taita Rock is located in the middle reaches of the Hutt River. The site is publicly accessible off High Street on the Hutt River Trail, and is popular for dog walking and swimming.

This site is monitored as a part of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Recreational Water Quality Programme, which is specifically designed to inform the public about the suitability of various sites across the region for swimming and other recreational activities. 

The safety of water for swimming is determined by measuring ‘faecal indicator bacteria’ (E. coli) which indicates the likely levels of pathogens in the water. Monitoring is conducted on a weekly basis over the summer months (December to March).

It is generally safe to swim at this site during dry weather. However the site is known to be affected by faecal contamination from urban or rural run-off following heavy or prolonged rainfall.  We therefore advise people not to swim for at least two days after heavy rain.

The site can also be affected by cyanobacteria (also known as 'toxic algae') blooms during the summer. For the latest toxic algae warnings and other water quality information, please go to the GWRC website, or check out the latest recreational water quality reports

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