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Horokiri Stream

The Horokiri Stream is the second largest of six tributaries discharging into Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour, with headwaters in the Akatarawa Forest.

The stream is known to contain various native species of fish, including the long and shortfin eel, two species of bully, inanga and banded kōkopu. 

Greater Wellington Regional Council monitor the environmental health at one location in the lower reaches of the Horokiri Stream. Recreational water quality monitoring is not carried out in the stream.

Landuse in the Horokiri Stream catchment is largely pastoral, with low intensity farming.

The Horokiri Stream generally has good water quality conditions. However it can be affected by bank erosion and sediment run-off from nearby forestry activities.

Monitored sites in the Horokiri Stream catchment

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