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Sourced from Healthy Waterways:

Pauatahanui Freshwater Catchment Community

Last updated: Aug 9 2023

Extended Content

On a cold winter's evening a group of hardy Pāuatahanui residents braved the cold to attend our Pest Plant Workshop.  With more riparian planting being undertaken along our local streams, the control of weeds and pest plants within the riparian areas has become a significant area of concern.

The presentation by Greater Wellington’s Biosecurity Officer – Pest Plants, Pravneel Kumar, was most informative, addressing the different pest plants found in Pāuatahanui and the best methods of control for each. Attendees had brought along samples of many of the weeds / pest plants which was a useful addition to the presentation. Pravneel kindly shared his presentation  and accompanying Methods of Control spreadsheet

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This topic features real world stories about the efforts of catchment groups, agencies and individuals who are who working to improve the health of our waterways. This story has been shared by the author through the Healthy Waterways register. For questions about about this story, please get in touch with the author. If you have concerns about the story content, please get in touch: 

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