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Waikato River at Lake Karāpiro Boat Ramp

This site is at the Horahora domain boat ramp where the lake is surrounded by a grassy verge with a few sparse willows, oaks, eucalyptus and cabbage trees. The lake is used extensively over summer for water sports such as water-skiing, wakeboarding, kayaking, rowing and swimming.

Cyanobacterial samples are also taken during swimming season.

It is important that you use your own judgement before getting into the water. 

  • Avoid swimming for at least 2 - 3 days after heavy or prolonged rain, even for sites that usually have good water quality.
  • Don't swim if the water is murky or smells unpleasant.


Lake Karapiro is downstream of Lake Taupo and the other 7 hydro dams of Aratiatia, Ohakuri, Atiamuri, Whakamaru, Maraetai, Waipapa and Arapuni higher up on the Waikato River.

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