Monitored sites in the Waiwhakaiho River catchment
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The Waiwhakaiho River is a large ringplain river arising in Te Papakura o Taranaki and flowing through agricultural and industrial land, and through New Plymouth, the region’s only city. The river is highly valued for its aesthetic, ecological and recreational values, and holds special value for Te Atiawa Iwi. It is also an important native fish and trout habitat.
Including Te Papakura o Taranaki, the Waiwhakaiho catchment has a total of 885 km of stream bank. The Council’s database shows 76% of the stream banks in the catchment are planted in riparian vegetation with 24% stream banks located within Te Papakura o Taranaki and 52% of stream banks covered by a Council riparian management plan outside the park boundary. Further to this, 24% of stream banks are protected by riparian fencing within the National Park while a further 68% of stream banks are fenced outside the park. There are stretches of stream bank that are both fenced and planted. Overall, 98% of the stream banks outside of Te Papakura o Taranaki are covered by riparian plans (October 2020).
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