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The Oreti catchment is Southland Region’s third largest. It runs from the Thomson Mountains in the north of the region to the New River Estuary adjacent to Invercargill.

The upper catchment maintains much of its natural qualities and is internationally renowned for its trophy brown trout fishing. The mid and lower reaches of the Oreti catchment have been substantially modified for drainage, flood control and channel clearance work.

Oreti River tributaries, such as the Winton and Waikiwi Streams and the Makarewa River, are each subject to point-source discharges of effluent from industry and municipal sewage treatment. Potential impacts to water quality may also arise through tile drain and non-point source discharges. In addition, stock access to waterways, drainage maintenance and gravel extraction activities can degrade water quality.

During the summer there is weekly monitoring at some sites. See the Environment Southland website for details.

Sites 30

Monitored sites in the Oreti catchment

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