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The Waitekohe sub–catchment is located four kilometres south of Katikati, inside a 2178 hectare catchment area that flows from the Kaimai Range (750 metres above sea level) to the Tauranga Harbour. The Waitekohe sub–catchment is part of the Tauranga Ecological District; is 2 km wide, 11 km long, and is situated between Lund and Lockington Roads. With 100 km of stream margin and 4 km of harbour margin, the primary streams are the Waitekohe (10km length) and Tuapo Stream (4 km). All streams and tributaries in this sub–catchment are classified as aquatic ecosystem streams, and are recognised as migratory pathways for indigenous fish species. A large proportion of the vegetation land cover is pastoral, in which the majority of this land cover is found in the middle and lower sub–catchment of the Waitekohe. A smaller but significant proportion of the sub–catchments’ land cover is horticultural and primarily located in the lower catchment. The geology is derived from the Matua subgroup consisting of pumiceous, rhylolitic andesitic sand, gravel and mud. Soils are derived from air – fall ash and belong to the Katitkati soil series. Soils on the stream flats are recent and consist of fluvial sands, silts, gravels and boulders. These soils are versatile but vulnerable to erosion under poor vegetation cover.


The list of who's involved, and the actions and/or stories reported for this catchment come from the groups that have shared their efforts through the national Healthy Waterways register. You can add your group's actions to improve the health of waterways in this catchment by using the link to the register at the bottom of this page.

The data and stories shown in this topic are sourced from the Healthy Waterways register and are not independently validated by the LAWA project. The information in the register come from councils, industry organisations, and catchment groups. The information may be incomplete and may not necessarily reflect the views of LAWA partner agencies. The topic is designed to showcase actions being taken that could provide inspiration and encouragement to others and help with our future understanding of which actions makes the most difference to the health of waterways depending on the catchment context.

Catchment characteristics

Catchment size 2,111 hectares
Length of waterways 35 km
Land use

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