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Air Quality

Auckland straddles a narrow isthmus between the Tasman Sea and Pacific Ocean, and our unique location means we have an enviable advantage for air quality. We have lots of wind to disperse pollutants, and the air that arrives here is relatively clean – there’s no one upwind of us polluting it.

However, our daily activities put pressure on this natural advantage; the way we travel, the fuels we use, the way we heat our homes and our industries all impact on our air quality. If we don’t keep an eye on all of this, and manage it appropriately, there’s a danger that our natural advantage will be squandered.

Breathing clean air is critical to protecting our health. The cleaner the air is, the better it is for us to breathe. Reduced air quality also affects the way Auckland looks. In winter, calm conditions cause pollutants to stay close to the ground, especially in the evenings when people are using their fireplaces. Emissions from vehicles and fireplaces can also cause an unsightly brown haze to form, especially around the CBD. Often these events also come with unpleasant smells.

There are three main sources of air pollution in Auckland: transport, domestic heating and industry. Natural sources such as sea salt are also present. Our monitoring programme also picks up natural events such as volcanic eruptions and even bushfires in Australia.

In winter, our major sources of air pollution are the emissions from the fireplaces many of us use to heat our homes. Burning solid fuels like wood and coal in open fireplaces and wood burners emits PM2.5 and PM10, and in winter we use our fires so much that PM emissions more than triple. PM2.5 and PM10 have significant impacts on our health, so it’s important for us to continue to reduce concentrations in our air.

Industry also emits pollutants to our air. The majority of these are from combustion processes – burning fuel for heat and steam to use in industrial processes. In summer, 25% of PM10 emissions is from industry, and in winter 7%.

Regional Summary
PM10and PM2.5at towns in this region

The most significant air pollutant in New Zealand are small airborne particles in our air (known as particulate matter). Particulate pollutants are of most concern in New Zealand because of their high concentrations in some of our towns. Exposure to high levels of airborne particle pollutants has the potential to cause respiratory and cardiovascular issues. View a factsheet on why air quality is important here.

The daily averages and exceedances shown here are raw and may not be correct. You can find correct data from 2016 to 2023 in the downloadable air quality on the download data page.

PM monitoring history at towns in this region

  • Annual average
  • Highest daily average
  • Exceedance

What is this showing me?

The graph enables you to view the annual average and highest daily average concentrations of PM10 and number of exceedance days for the year selected. The results are compared to the relevant air quality standard or guideline (denoted by the red horizontal line). See this factsheet for more information about the PM10 measurements, and the standards and guidelines used to report on. 

Values above the standard or guideline shown can be a cause for concern as short- or long-term exposure to high PM10 can have health impacts.  See this factsheet about why air quality is important and factors that influence air quality. 

The trends in the table below indicate whether the PM10 concentrations have been improving, showing no measurable change, or declining over the 10-years prior to the year selected. (For towns that have more than one monitoring site, a representative site is shown).

Data table PM10
Towns 10-year Trend annual average (µg/m³) Highest daily average (µg/m³) 2nd highest daily average (µg/m³) Number of exceedances

What is this showing me?

The graph enables you to view the annual average and highest daily average concentrations of PM2.5 and number of exceedance days for the year selected. The results are compared to the World Health Organization guidelines (denoted by the red horizontal line). See this factsheet for more information about the PM2.5 measurements, and the standards and guidelines used to report on. 

Values above the guidelines can be a cause for concern as short- and long-term exposure to high PM2.5 values can have health impacts.  See this factsheet about why air quality is important and factors that influence air quality. 

Any trends in the table below indicate whether the PM2.5 concentrations have been improving, showing no measurable change, or declining over the 10-years prior to the year selected. (For towns that have more than one monitoring site, a representative site is shown).

Data table PM2.5
Towns 10-year Trend annual average (µg/m³) Highest daily average (µg/m³) 2nd highest daily average (µg/m³) Number of exceedances
Towns 7

Towns in the Auckland region

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